On-line intimacy

Before you jump into conclusion, this blog is not of a pornographic nature. Google would probably black list my website….but the content of this blog is just as hot and steamy as I would like to share with you some racy thoughts on how to create an on-line intimacy through your content creation in order to gain your followers’ trust. 

Why do you need your followers to trust you? Because you want them to convert into your devoted clients. 

Would you have ever associated words like “trust” and “intimacy” with digital media? 

Well, the ever evolving digital world has been on therapy! 

Incorporating an emotional factor into your on-line presence became more prominent and more important than ever. As Seth Godin once said:

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but about the stories you tell”.

But how do you make your audience trust you? And to add a difficulty to this question, how do you create that closeness through social media content? How do you make your intimate relationship on-line work? 

How about you start with the easiest, by just being yourself? 

Faking anything (!) is never good for anyone, especially when you are trying to build a new relationship. We know this, right? 

So, being genuine is the number one factor.

If you follow my feed, you would know that I keep on reminding my followers about being real and speaking from experience.  If you share your story and live your story, your audience will be intrigued. Developing an authentic brand voice will pull people towards your business but if you seduce them with your content, they will be hooked. 

Then own it! Show them that you really do know what you are talking about. Become an expert! 

Confidence is highly attractive and we all know that a confident salesman could lure you into buying just about anything. 

So believe in yourself and keep selling your story with conviction. 

Till later. 

Brave Mouse