Follow/ Unfollow – how to retain your audience

In order to grow your list of followers on social media organically, you really do need to work hard. 

Large groups of followers do not just appear overnight, especially if you are a business. If you ever tried to build your own audience from scratch, you would understand what I’m talking about. 

So…. you crack on building your audience base by spending hours on liking, sharing, tagging and following others in order to create an engagement and interaction and also, to put into work those hard to crack algorithms. 

Then you start to notice that they slowly start to disappear. One by one, the numbers quietly go down. And then you panic!

Don’t! Fluctuations in following count are completely normal for business profiles but here are 4 tips on how to reduce unfollows and retain your followers group, which I find very useful:

  1. Write good quality content. Talk about interesting things, share information which people may find useful. Make it look attractive by using animations and eye catching formats.
  2. Do not overload them with your own promotional content. General rule is that 80% of content should have utility, on the remaining 20%, you can blow your own trumpet. 
  3. And never ever, EVER, unfollow them after they followed you back.  Yes! they will notice. There are plenty of business accounts that play this unhealthy follow/unfollow game but trust me, those firms won’t get valuable customers through this type of following strategy. People actually take unfollowing quite personally and never come back. Firms which play “quick following game” are only interested in getting their numbers up, not in the followers themselves which is fundamentally wrong as quality following in today’s world is of a much higher value than quantity. Plus, you should know who your audience is!
  4. So, if they follow you, follow them back!

Remember, numbers are just numbers and not a true indication of how successful your business is but if you remember to have a good balance of content utility, creativity, and are genuinely interested in the people that are interested in you, your following chart will start to grow in a beautiful organic way.

Plus, you can meet some lovely people along the way and that’s a beautiful bonus of interacting on social media. 

Brave Mouse