Do what you love doing

Hello my Brave Readers and welcome to the month of love!

February is usually not one of my favourite months, as it quietly comes after December festivities and my January birthday but this year, February will make onto my list of favourite months as Brave Mouse Digital launches into the digital world. 

And as it’s a month dedicated to love, it suits me just right as I finally can do what I love doing the most, which is digital marketing. 

It took me years of performing various jobs in finance, legal and property industry, to finally discover my niche.

And it makes me so happy, just to sit here, at my kitchen table, writing my very first blog for my very own website.

For the past months, I have been so busy creating sites and blogging for others, that on top of my daily job, there was no spare time to create a digital hub for my own business.

But I finally got here and the contentment that few web pages bring after weeks of late night content writing and graphics creation, is immense. The feeling of truly loving what you do and wanting to put your whole into it, is just so fulfilling. Could you agree? 

I wonder how many of us do what they do just because it’s either convenient or generates a decent salary but does not truly fulfill their calling? 

Have you been able to find your true professional destination? Do you love what you do? 

Happy Valentines month my readers! 

Brave Mouse

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