Coming together

How is everyone doing? 

I sincerely hope you, lovely readers and your families are safe and keeping away from crowded places as much as it is possible. 

Given the Coronavirus news has completely taken over the media, I won’t be voicing my opinion on what should or shouldn’t be done but instead would like to focus on the super important role digital channels play in bringing people together during the pandemic.

As most people follow our Prime Minister’s advice and stay away from public places, the utility of digital media has never been higher.  

The isolated people resort to search engines and social media not only to seek further news on the fast spreading virus but also for support and guidance.

Google Trends reports that terms related to COVID-19 have completely dominated the search engine with “What is Coronavirus” and “How to protect yourself from it” being top searched question in the UK. 

Facebook is steaming with group creations. People come together to create on-line active sub-communities offering vulnerable people services such as shopping or dog walking.

Volunteers offer help, advise and support where possible and spread the word through local social media groups, chat rooms or simply via status update.

The usually booming Youtube is now overloaded with doctors and health advisors posting home made videos in order to give people the much needed guidance and support, whilst catholic churches revert to the Youtube channel to conduct LIVE VIDEO mass for the folk.

Netflix comes to the rescue for bored and running out of entertaining ideas families, offering “Netflix parties” for families and friends to watch your favourite programs from the comfort of your home at the same time for free. 

Locked down households revert to Skype and Zoom to “meet up” with their friends. E-parties become more and more popular, especially that alcohol has not yet been rationed in the supermarkets. 

But what I mostly note from frequent monitoring on-line channels, is the unbelievable amount of love and support people offer one another.

It is true that in times of crisis people come together and show their altruistic side more than ever. Whether it’s a kind word, word of support or physical help during tough times, people rise together to take care of each other’s needs. And in combination with widely available digital channels, help comes much quicker, more efficient and in abundance too.  

If you are reading this and need any form of help and support, I am here for you. Always. 

Brave Mouse