
I'm Brave Mouse Digital,
social media manager for small to medium size businesses

don't be a mouse

be a brave mouse

Brave Mouse Digital is a small digital marketing agency based in Cheshire, offering startups and small businesses professional advice, strategy planning and management of on-line marketing activities across a variety of social media channels.

Whilst traditional marketing still has its place in today’s world, it is fair to say that digital media transformed our lives; the way we shop, search for information, even make friends. Furthermore, it is now widely recognised that businesses can simply no longer exist without a prominent on-line presence. 

Brave Mouse Digital offers a perfect solution to your business digital exposure

Because the digital marketing world is dynamic and ever changing in its nature, most firms find navigating through its trends and technology rather complicated, often confusing and most of all, time consuming.

Brave Mouse Digital takes all that burden away from you and offers a clear solution to your on-line marketing requirements.

We provide clients with strong social media strategy which results in businesses to not only gaining a desired attention and authority but also generating website traffic, prospective leads and furthermore, sales. 

Brand consistency

Having a clear social media strategy in place, a clear direction of where your business is going and how you want it to be perceived on social media, is crucial for the future growth of your company.

It determines your audience, potential clients, people that will in time, become your loyal customers and devoted brand advocates.

Developing digital marketing strategy for social media, following your business objectives, creating audience capturing content and creative formats, requires knowledge, vision, preparation, dedication, consistency, creative flair and forward thinking. All of which, Brave Mouse Digital prides itself from.

Engaging and purposeful content
Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

of people on social media globally
of small businesses on Facebook

Have a look at our social!

Brave Mouse Digital social media management services

At Brave Mouse Digital, I plan, create and implements content and media strategy for business social channels, followed by their management for maximum results.

I work across variety of industries and sectors; some of which include executive and leadership coaches, wellbeing,  property and construction services, heating and flooring company and many more. 

Instagram grid
Instagram Grid
Instagram photo grid
Instagram grid photos
Instagram photo grid

If you need help with elevating your existing business into a recognisable brand across social media channels, get in touch now